How to Work with Block Jointing Mortar
When building a wall, room, or any structure, it is crucial to use strong, high-quality jointing mortar. Jointing mortar mixes cement, sand, and other materials to hold blocks together. A thin layer of 3-5 mm is enough for concrete blocks. Jointing Mortar is a special cement that helps bond the blocks and strengthens your structure.
AAC block jointing mortar from Dlite, one of the best jointing mortar suppliers, is a pre-mixed product that is easy to use and delivers excellent results. Jointing Mortar is a strong adhesive for building with concrete blocks and has good water-retention properties, strengthening the wall.
Here is a simple guide on how to use block Jointing Mortar for building a project:
- Prepare the Surface
Before applying the AAC Block jointing mortar, ensure the blocks are clean. Use a wire brush, mop, or water jets to remove all dirt and dust. Wet the blocks or bricks before applying the jointing mortar. If you are repairing an old wall, chisel away old jointing mortar using a hammer or grinder to get a clean, smooth surface. Remove at least ¾ of the old AAC Block Jointing Mortar to ensure the new jointing mortar sticks well.
- Mix the Mortar
Add about 25% water to the dry jointing mortar mix. Stir well to avoid lumps and ensure the mixture is smooth, not watery. The AAC Block Jointing Mortar should be thick enough to spread evenly on the blocks.
- Apply the Mortar
Use a masonry trowel to spread a 2-3 mm layer of mortar on the block. Ensure the layer is smooth and free of air bubbles, which can cause cracks later.
- Monitor the Application
After applying the AAC Block Jointing Mortar, wait a bit to remove any excess from the sides or places where it might be dripping. This usually takes around 30 minutes or until the mortar starts to stiffen. Dlite, one of the best jointing mortar suppliers, suggests spraying the jointing mortar with water and covering it with a plastic sheet to keep it moist. This helps the AAC Block Jointing Mortar set properly.
- Cleanup and Storage
A smooth mixture ensures even application. The AAC block jointing mortar from Dlite, one of the best jointing mortar suppliers, remains workable for up to 24 hours, giving you enough time to finish the job without rushing. You can store leftover jointing mortar for up to 6 months from manufacturing.
AAC block jointing mortar from Dlite, one of the best jointing mortar suppliers, is available in various quantities so that you can find the right amount for your needs. This jointing mortar from Dlite helps to hold the blocks together and makes the wall sturdy and durable. These jointing mortars from Dlite suit all kinds of blocks, making them versatile for different construction projects.